A new addition to Perth’s Swan River is the recently opened Matagarup Bridge. The footbridge, constructed by a consortium which included world-renowned Italian design and construction firm Rizzani de Eccher, was labelled by transport minister Rita Saffioti as being “one of the most technically difficult constructions to ever take place in WA”.
The pedestrian bridge spans 400m and leads users directly to Perth Stadium. Up until now access to the stadium has been limited, making the footbridge a hugely beneficial inclusion of the sporting precinct.
However, it is not only its practicality which has been the focal point throughout the construction of the pedestrian bridge, but also its striking appearance. The Matagarup Bridge showcases the increasing capability of both architecture and engineering. Its curved and spiralling edges differentiate it from other bridges, making it an impressive pedestrian structure.
The footbridge is aptly named in recognition of the local Whadjuk Indigenous community, and means ‘a place where the river is only leg deep, allowing it to be crossed’.